Beechcraft Spinner Bulkhead
$145.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: Spinner Bulkhead Part Number: Unknown Applicable Models: Unknown Beechcraft Model. Condition: This item has been modified. Item has multiple surface scratches and paint overspray as shown in pictures. Other...46976$145.95 -
Bendix Air Ejector PN 19E17-6A
$270.95Manufacturer: Bendix Description: Air Ejector Part Number: 19E17-6A Serial Number: RF-432 Removed From: 1968 Beechcraft B90 King Air in March 2023. Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches and nicked edges as shown in pictures.46964$270.95 -
Beechcraft K35 Bonanza RH Wing PN 35-115388-18 (CALL OR EMAIL TO BUY)
$4,500.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: RH Wing Part Number: 35-115388-18Removed From: 1959 Beechcraft K35 Bonanza in April 2023. Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches, paint chipping, dents, rusted hardware, corrosion, and some damage...46913$4,500.95 -
Beechcraft 55, 58 Baron FWD Utility Baggage Door PN 36-430011-1, 36-430011-477 (CALL OR EMAIL TO BUY)
$675.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: FWD Utility Baggage DoorPart Number: 36-430011-1, 36-430011-477Applicable Models: Beechcraft 55, 58 Baron Applicable Years & Serial Number(s): Please refer to your parts catalog based off part number. Condition:...45963$675.95 -
Beechcraft 58 Baron Nose Baggage Door PN 95-410029-617
$540.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: Nose Baggage Door Part Number: 95-410029-617Applicable Models: Beechcraft 58 Baron Applicable Years & Serial Number(s): Please refer to your parts catalog based off part number. Condition: This item has...46893$540.95 -
PPG Beechcraft B90 King Air RH Heated Windshield PN 50-420069-24 (CALL OR EMAIL TO BUY)
$4,595.95Manufacturer: PPG Description: RH Heated Windshield Part Number: 50-420069-24 Serial Number: 8-H-4-16-477 Removed From: 1968 Beechcraft B90 King Air in Februsary 2017. Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches, nicked edges, paint chipping,...46851$4,595.95 -
Beechcraft Control Box PN 50-364431-5, 50-364431-9, 50-364431-23
$62.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: Control Box Part Number: 50-364431-5, 50-364431-9, 50-364431-23 Applicable Models: Unknown Beechcraft Model Applicable Years & Serial Number(s): Please refer to your parts catalog based off part number...45948$62.95 -
Beechcraft T-42A Baron AFT Fuselage Access Door PN 002-440000-103, 95-440006-129
$44.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: AFT Fuselage Access DoorPart Number: 002-440000-103, 95-440006-129 Serial Number: 671 Applicable Models: Beechcraft T-42A Baron 55BApplicable Years & Serial Number(s): Please refer to your parts catalog based off...47105$44.95 -
Beechcraft 58 Baron Center Console Panel PN 58-324027-5
$94.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: Center Console Panel Part Number: 58-324027-5 Serial Number: 536 Applicable Models: Beechcraft 58 BaronApplicable Years & Serial Number(s): Please refer to your parts catalog based off part number. Condition:...47102$94.95 -
Beechcraft 95 Travel Air RH Nose Gear Door PN 95-410031-20
$1,290.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: RH Nose Gear Door Part Number: 95-410031-20 Removed From: 1958 Beechcraft 95 Travel Air in March 2023. Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches, oblong drill holes, and minor rust on hardware as shown in...46685$1,290.95 -
Beechcraft 95 Travel Air LH Nose Gear Door PN 95-410031-19
$1,075.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: LH Nose Gear Door Part Number: 95-410031-19 Removed From: 1958 Beechcraft 95 Travel Air in March 2023. Condition: This item has multiple surface scratches, nicked edges, oblong drill holes, and minor corrosion as...46684$1,075.95 -
Beechcraft C23 Sundowner Pilot Seat PN 169-534024-601 (CALL OR EMAIL TO BUY)
$280.95Manufacturer: Unbranded Description: Pilot Seat Part Number: 169-534024-601 Removed From: 1976 Beechcraft C23 Sundowner in December 2023. Condition: This items fabric is torn. Item has multiple surface scratches, nicked edges, and corrosion as shown...45828$280.95